Friday, December 16, 2005

Day Uno

We got up super early this morning, I mean still dark out-like, and freezing. We went down to the park again to see who the hell could be up this early and there was bunches of dawgs. But what was weird is everyone was calling me Lucky. And I was like, “Yea I am lucky to have a body like this, yo!”. But it turns out there was this other dog who looked exactly like me, same style hair and everything. Super crazy, Ian was all like, “I wonder if they are related”. Anyway she was a little more hefty (who isn’t? Ha!) And has weird floppy ears but other than that the resemblance was uncanny.

Ian dropped me off, there me a delicious pill along with some benadryl (yech!) And made me breakfast before splitting for work. Nap time!


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