Thursday, December 15, 2005

Day, Er Night One

I guess I'm staying with dad* over the holidays which is lame. I'd rather be at home chilling with TK and mom and stuff but here I am. No one asks me what I want. I guess I should just quit whining and get over it but I think this is going to be the most boring two weeks EVER. Hopefully this blog will alleviate some of that.

Tonight was pretty chill. Ian brought over my sleeping bag we had what we usually have at Mom's which was cool. Stuff is so good I swear I'm, like, gonna gain a thousand pounds...sike! He totally forgot to give me my medicine and I was going to tell him cuz that stuff taste like crap well except for the stuff below, man I gotta get my hands on a private stash, that stuff tastes like candy!

Ian's roommates didn't come home till late and they were plastered so I pretty much just stayed in his room which was cool. The place is super cold and his place was the only one with a space heater. Toasty! Oh yeah he took me to the park which was pretty rad. Cold as hell but you can't tell when you are jetting all over the place.

Anyway, more later I'm off to bed.

*He not even my real father he thinks just cuz he was there that he was there when I showed up that makes his position in, uh, flatable, or something. Whatever!


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